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Current Council Members


  • Katie Krcmarik, WKCFA
  • Haiyan Xie, CAST
  • Gregory Ferrence, CAS Natural Sciences
  • Gregory Braswell, CAS Social Sciences
  • Brian Rejack, CAS Humanities
  • Ellis Chefor, COB
  • Allison Antink Meyer, COE
  • TBD, Milner Library
  • Jadeyn Lacey, Mennonite College of Nursing
  • TBD, University Curriculum Committee
  • Rocio Rivadeneyra, Associate Dean of CAS
  • Linda Clemmons, Director of Honors Program
  • Brian Aitken, University College
  • Amy Hurd, Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Education

Recording Secretary

  • Soemer Simmons, Enrollment Management and Academic Services

Student Members

  • TBD (4)